Rehabilitation / Physical Therapy

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We understand that each resident has unique needs. To meet those needs, our in-house therapy program is customizable and includes the input of all our professional team members and your physicians. We also consult with a number of orthopedists, rehabilitation doctors and rehabilitation specialists to ensure the plan is driven by your personal needs and circumstances.

Our team of Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech Language Pathologists have the talent, skills, and experience necessary to support your recovery to its full potential. Our state of the art rehabilitation gym provides both the environment and the equipment to be able to help you meet your goals. We offer rehabilitation services from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. everyday. With our choice to not use outside agencies to perform your therapy treatments, your therapists will get to know you and your specific needs as you work with the same staff each day. We also offer out-patient services for the patient who wants to continue receiving therapy after a successful return home. This added benefit of continuing to work with your therapist helps with the continuity of care, and, ultimately, to better your outcomes.

Mitigation of Systemic Diseases

Neurological System : Disabilities from stroke (or cerebrovascular accident, CVA), Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc.

Musculoskeletal System : Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, musculitis, tendonitis, rehabilitation after arthroplasty or surgery.

Pulmonary System : Pneumonia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), etc.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapists are most actively focused on mobility related goals in our setting. They are uniquely qualified to address a variety of deficits that afflict large muscle groups and to create adaptive techniques that will improve mobility and functioning get their patients up and moving.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists are committed to providing the training, education, and therapeutic activities necessary to restore as much independence as possible with activities of daily living. We work with the patients, family members, and physicians to develop a custom treatment plan to take individuals through a variety of daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, and preparing meals.

Speech Therapy

For people with learning disabilities, strokes, dementia, hearing loss or other illnesses, communication can be very difficult. If you need assistance with speaking, thinking, or swallowing, our speech therapists can help.

Short Wave Diathermy

Short wave diathermy is a deep heat treatment and quite effective in treating large areas of the body.


Ultrasound is used to relieve inflammation, speed healing, reduce muscle spasms and increase range of motion.

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy increases blood flow through the tissue and removes waste products from the targeted area. Laser helps the lesion heal more effectively and faster.

Tilt Table

Tiletable Tilt Table can be adjusted from horizontal to vertical and is suitable for strength, balance and standing training.

Electrical Stimulator

Electric Stimulator helps prevent muscle wasting or atrophy. The electrodes are not intrusive and are placed on the skin.

Cervical and Lumbar Traction

Cervical and Lumbar Traction alleviates neck and back pain by stretching tight muscles that result from spasm and widen intervertebral foramen to relieve nerve root compression.

Stand Trainer

Stand Trainer supports patients to be able to stand up and apply weight to the skeleton and muscles. This equipment also stretches back, hip, leg and ankle muscles.

Stair Trainer

Stair Trainer has a curb and parallel bars for patients to practice climbing stairs confidently.

Gait Trainer

Gait Trainer has parallel bars and a mirror for patients to practice gait training properly.

Parafin Bath

Paraffin wax delivers heat to areas that are difficult to heat with anything but a liquid medium, i.e. hands and feet. Paraffin treatments relieve pain and stiffness due to arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and muscle strains.

Hot Pack, Cold Pack

Hot pack and cold pack are used to treat stiff muscles and pain.